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Monday, March 01, 2004


ms. frizzle

I like having the more difficult kids spread out... some kids, when kept close at hand, can be managed, while others, placed in the back, corners, and edges of the seating arrangement, need to know you can look out over the whole class and see what they're doing back there... I change their seats once a month, to mix it up for group lab work. Every first of the month, that's the only thing they can think about, new seats, but for the rest of the month, they rarely complain, 'cause they know I'll tell them to stick it out until the next month.

Mr. Locke

I do something similar--my kids are in groups, and I encourage the best kids to sit together in the same groups. Since all quizzes are "group averaged" for their grade, some of my better groups will kick a lazy or disruptive kid out of their group--and that's peer pressure encouragement to perform. The ones who don't really want to be there clump together and vegetate, which is about what they would do anywhere else--so this way they're not dragging interested students down with them.


Hi there...I'm the one who used your blog cite for a small presentation in my ENGL 492 course...We are all students (now) that are preparing to be English educators within the next year or so...The reason I used your website was for (as I said) a small, non-formal, presentation...We were all asked to search the web and find some websites that would be beneficial to us when we are teaching...and when I found your blog, I figured nothing is more helpful than REAL stories! :) I thought it was great that you have this set up...and it's beneficial to us who are still nervous about being in front of our own classrooms soon! I hope you don't mind...and I didn't even think about letting you know that I was showing it...Sorry about that...I hope I didn't offend you. :) (BTW, everyone thought it was great too!) Ciao!

Butterfly Gemini

Thank you, Eileen, for getting back to me.

There would be no reason to let me know that you were showing it since this isn't a private venue. Anonymous, yes; private, not so much.

I am not offended, in fact, much to the contrary. When I saw my site cited, my curiosity was piqued, is all.

So thanks, really, for using my site as part of your presentation. I am flattered.


Please, dear God, tell me you're thinking of getting out of the profession soon. Part of your ethical and professional obligation, implicit in your acceptance of both contract and paycheck, is that you teach every child in your class, not simply the ones who are eager to learn, but every child.


I'm glad that I didn't offend you...and I hope all goes well for you! :) I'll be checking back at your site frequently!


MJ, if that comment is an example of how you deal with people, you need to get as far from students as possible. You come across as a supercilious ass.


I read about a teacher once that lined up the students who didn't want to participate in the back of the room. He told them to stay there until they decided to come forward and learn. Some of them actually did. He caught tremendous flack for the move, but I always wondered if taking just letting them look on for a while wasn't all that bad an idea.


At times I have put my worst students in the back of the room. I was operating in survival mode. I just wanted to be able to get on with my lesson. Now I'm more inclined to seat them spread out around the room with some near me. I find that if I use my silent students effectively, I can surround my most dominant misbehaver by students who never say anything. Many times this will effectively neutralize that student and I can continue my class. Keep looking for solutions. Classroom management doesn't happen overnight. As a matter of fact, it is one of those things that I must constantly work on and improve on - even in my good classes.


At times I have put my worst students in the back of the room. I was operating in survival mode. I just wanted to be able to get on with my lesson. Now I'm more inclined to seat them spread out around the room with some near me. I find that if I use my silent students effectively, I can surround my most dominant misbehaver by students who never say anything. Many times this will effectively neutralize that student and I can continue my class. Keep looking for solutions. Classroom management doesn't happen overnight. As a matter of fact, it is one of those things that I must constantly work on and get improve on - even in my good classes.


Hey there, stumbled on your blog today, and thought I would comment on the seating arrangement issue. I am switching from teaching college to teaching middle and upper school kids, and have just made it through my first year. My kids hate their seating arrangement, but it was them or me at the end. I made them a deal, though: if they could control themselves and focus according to my requirements for two weeks, then thay could ask to sit wherever they desired. They have not yet been able to comply, and know that it's their actions that caused them to be seated where they are.

I totally understand not seating certain kids near you--and for being upfront with them when they are rude and aggressive. I think MJ may be misreading the issue--you know these kids, and s/he does not. There may be a kid in a class who is actively opposed to being a positive participant (the headmaster at my school sometimes refers to these children as being the opposite of "forces for good"). We all know them; we went to school with some of them when we were kids. In a perfect world, encouragement and positive reinforcement always would work and teachers never have to stand up to their students because students are never rude, never are deliberately cruel, and always have a good lock on what is acceptable social behavior. I think what MJ doesn't seem to udnerstand is that sometimes it is up to the kid to step up and be responsible for their actions.

chris g

I find the half hour or so it takes to plug out a good seating plan to be a bit problematic. It also means I tend to procrastinate way too much. In classes that are mature, I often hand out a blank seating plan, and tell the students to write out their own plan and hand it in. I pick the one that looks the best from my perspective. I also tell the students what that perspective is (along with the joke of getting to sit next to that special someone if they manage to separate all the noisy kids). It works quite well as the students have a bit of ownership in the decision. I also let kids who have special problems come up to me after class to discuss possible trades (sight problems, etc). Usually I do this at the end of a unit test, during the dead time before class ends.


When I read this, the thing that stands out to me is that "near you" means at the front of the room. Something else you should have learned in your teacher prep courses is that part of good classroom management is circulating throughout the room. I doubt that a loss of control in the back of the room goes unnoticed by the front of the room. Isolating, ignoring, and insulting the kids you view as problems only reaffirms their opinion that they, not you, are in control.

Wake up!

When a teacher assumes the complete responsibility of teaching and the weight of such responsibility, they will not isolate, separate or segregate any student from instruction. Placing students in the back of a classroom and ignoring them is a far cry from fulfilling one's teaching responsibility. Why not try modifying your teaching style to fit the student? I find it interesting that you hang your hat on the few that would succeed with or without your help. Those that sit up front are going to make it on their own and you are taking responsibility for this? You are producing dropouts and this is the reality of your responsibility. Good job! The real challenge to teaching is reaching those who do not want to be reached. If you try hard enough, you can succeed and in this feat one finds the true gift of this profession. I hope you will eventually recognize the harm you are doing.


I'm no professional (yet--I'm still in school), but even I recognize this as a bad idea. It seems highly immature--not to mention that your students can see right through you. Playing favorites and/or only doing half of your job (i.e., only bothering with students who "care") is unethical and a disservice to the students who are most in need. You're turning your back on them simply for your own convenience. Shame on you. Any and every kid deserves better than that. Didn't it ever occur to you that the reason they're probably turned off to your lessons is because they're either resentful (because don't think for a second they don't realize exactly what you're doing and why you're doing it) or they have other reasons why they're not performing well? Maybe they feel stupid because they have learning problems (which can often be accommodated with a little effort), personal problems which consume their minds, or they were simply never presented the material in an interesting way or truly shown why this information is essential to their lives. It is your job to take all of that into consideration with every lesson's preparation and with every lesson's execution. I truly hope you reconsider your methods or reconsider your career options.

Jimmy Kanada

My name is Jimmy Kanada. Who has the audacity to challenge 11 of my baddest neutered blood hounds with rabies, drink more Mad Dog 20/20, smoke more Winston cigarettes, smoke more cigars, smoke more packs of Marboro 100’s, sick 44 starved beagles on a bull frog, whip a mule with a pair of deer antlers, spit more dip, drink more Coors light, bust up more salt lick, crack more mountain ice while shooting at mountain goats, ride a moose through 8 miles of swamp land, and make a wife lick the moss and sweat from in between ole Marvin Kennedy’s toes, mow more grass, talk more jive, shred more hay, dig more ditches, trim more hedges, drink more coffee, catch more bass fish, rope more cattle, use more giraffe spit and battery acid blended together for rat poison, vomit more grape wine, sip more yak, Bust more salt lick, make more beef jerky from buffalo meat, bar-b-q more quail, pluck more chickens, Tame more jackals, throw a guinea pig in a chicken coup full of wiener dogs, bust a bottle full of pee up against the mayors limo, beat a hillbilly to the punch line, crack open more pecans, eat more planters peanuts, chop more cedar wood, stomp on a plant full of water bugs with gator boots on, drop a wood rat in a bucket full of fire ants and scorpions, breed a pack of male hyenas with a half dozen Dobermans, milk a bull cow, sip more tonic, make a mule gallop through mud packing sun flower seeds, plow more desert land, make the nephews fix the sewage tank and clean the commodes after Thanksgiving, pop more black cats (fire works), sick 44 blood hounds on a wounded baby hippopotamus crippled on land by a shot gun bullet, curse, Play more blues and
Polish more Cadillac’s than ole Jimmy Kanada huh?My name is bad ass Jimmy Kanada. Who in the hell can whip more deer, milk more goats, shave more sheep, sip more tonic mixed with gin, puke more coors light and grape wine, shoot more ducks in mid flight, break more deer necks, tame more hyenas, smoke more weed, smoke more Cool Filter Kings, jam more blues (Al Green) at midnight, pop more cherrys, spit more dip, whip more ass, piss longer, curse louder while walking barefoot through a swamp, trim more trees, sic more blood hounds on a pig, drink more yak, out fuss any slut into licking toes and stripping, gut more sword fish, bust more watermelon, grease more shot gun barrels, neuter more doberman pinschers, crack more mountain ice while shooting shot gun rounds at mountain goats, fight more geese with bare nuckles before sicking the pitbulls, sing the tracks of Betty Wright better, stomp more snails with only dress socks on, take more heat from the sun, cook more deer meat before catfishing with a spear gun, fill more milk jugs full of guerrilla piss, chew more gum and corn, gulp more liquir, roast more penguins, chunk more guinea pigs in a chicken cage full of blood thirsty mangy mutts with the aids virus, kill more jack rabbitts with a piece of glass, poop in more buckets to mix with lime juice, crack open more sea snail shells with a car jack, slap more lambs, peel more oranges, make more cock roach poison out of blended battery acid and giraffe piss, shoot more cross bow arrows at a politition's mansion from the weeds, spit more loogies in Walgreens, dance better in a croud of drunks, urinate longer in the back of a taxi cab, swing more sloths around in a circle by the balls tied to a shoe string, fry more octopus in dead fish grease for greyhound chow, hit more swan birds in the water with a truck load of broken gravel, milk more camels to make the step mother oatmeal, whip up more horse dookey and butter in order to force feed it to a retarded elf, take more wasp stings only to catch them for hunting season, make more hard headed house brides run across more sewage leaks in the yard for punishment, beat more hillbillys to the punch line after 11 bottles of Mad Dog 20/20, Train more sheep dogs to murder pigeons, laugh in the face of more census takers, cut more lumber, bust more salt lick only to grind it for monkey poop mixing, hunt more zebra for truck seat covers, fart more beans in Taco Bell, steal more chickens from another mans farm, scare more pizza delivery boys with a red hot branding iron fresh out of the fire, seduce more weman in the back of a big foot truck while sipping grape wine, make more chumps dance while ducking gun shots to the toes, and brush whiter teeth on a drunk mule packing a sack of pecans and marijuana seeds? Than JIMMY KANADA DAMMIT!! !! ??Who in the hell dares to step on Jimmy Kanada's grass to out grape wine drink, piss for the longest time on the store room floor of Walgreens, mix more baboon poop and butter for force feeding 4 geese with the mumps, shoot more shot gun rounds up the butt crack of a moose, vex more 92 year old cowboys by throwing mangy stray mutts over in theyre chicken cages, sick more doberman pinschers with the aids virus on a 3 leg having goat, throw more honey dipped piglets up against a wasp nest, stick more needles through the flesh of a dead camel, get a mule the drunkest on moon shine before brushing the donkeys teeth with colgate in order to see the donkeys teeth at night,neuter more wild zebra in the dark with a razor blade, make more fat girls cum with a classic pickle, make more short leprechauns clean the sewage tank after june with 3 dress socks for violating my grass, curse out more pricks for not comprehending the 11 blood hounds with tape worms, make a hooker lick toes for not being sexy, flick more Kool Filter King lit cigarettes at a pizza delivery boy for not saying yes sir, Train more starving beagles to pluck a goose, sell more crack in the ghetto, piss off taller sky scrapers after new years eve, eat more planters peanuts while plowing the dessert, hunt more sloth in the rain forrest, mix more fish guts, guerrilla piss, ape man poop, and rat poison to kill palmetto roaches in a cave, shoot more bats with piss dipped darts, cause more avalanches while shooting a bazooka up at mountain rams, make a horny cow watch me titty screw a tramp woman, tell the sickest jokes, strangle more flamingos with a car jack, piss on the top of a 3ft tall mans head from London for kicks, Bust more wine bottles up against the limo of the next county judge, drop more piglets in a tank full of water snakes and stinging sea snails, blow up more country clubs with 44 sticks of lit dynomite, fry more road runner birds in a pot full of piss and fish grease while they are still alive and kicking, fry more poop mixed with eggs in order to punish a drunk horse with gold teeth, cause more monkeys to masterbate by showing them porn, milk more giraffes with a water hose, fight more computer geeks drunk to the sweet sounds of the Jackson Five, Jam more Al green while steaming greens, sic more red nose pitbulls on a guinea pig, mix more guerrilla piss with cow nut for boiling frogs, make more home made honey from a bee's nest, crush more beer cans with a jack hammer, train more Hyenas to murder swans from a pond, sit for 2 days in a truck jamming Barry White before cursing out the wife and getting piss drunk on moon shine quicker than bad ass Jimmy Kanada huh?!Who has the audacity to step in his yard of freshly cut grass and talk mess to 11 of his baddest neutered blood hounds knowing that 6 of them has rabies and razor sharp teeth. Ole Marvin Kanada knows when to sic his trusty blood hounds on a trespasser who tends to jump the gun around his warnings and mean looks! The man stands 6ft 11inches tall and knows how to rumble in the jungle, shoot deer, skin a ox, gut a fish, drink 2 gallons of wine, smoke a pack of tobacco, fight, scream across acres off land, walk through moss in the swamp bare footed without a complaint about mosquitoes, fly fish, break a mule into pulling a plow, water 222 acres of land with his tractor, limp on a cane, swing a stick, spit, make a spoiled woman clean the commodes his house with a sock, boil a live frog, kick a bucket, watch Dolomite flicks, chew 3 pickles at the same time, whip a hyena with a broom stick, bust open salt lick, crush mountain ice, chop oak wood, dead wood and shoot a shot gun like john Wayne, pop his collar, burn a mangy rabbit with a branding iron, bust open a lap top computer with his bare knuckles while its in the lap of the US senator, sick 22 beagles on a guinea pig, throw a jack rabbit in a chicken coup full of jackals and Doberman pinchers, take a step back in order to break a republicans nose, dookey, urinate in a bottle and bust it up against the presidents limo, fart and take a leek at the same time, shoot shot gun rounds at the capital from the I-35 highway, feed 99 pounds of fish guts to his blood hounds, puke mad dog 20/20, have a fit over 6 gallons of detox and slap a pharmacist, pick a baby hog up by the nose and drop it in a hole full of rattler snakes, eat 70 pounds of pickled pigs feet, spit dip on the store room floor of H.E.B, burn a hole in the belly of a rat with a hot fork, roll 44 pounds of smoking tobacco, slop 22 hogs and stick one with a sharpened stick until it squeals and screams in the ear of a antelope, ride a bucking bull then kick it in the groin area, steal 80 sheep for seat covers, herd 888 cows in a field, pluck 55 ducks with a pair of toe nail clippers, shoot at a geeks feet with an Uzi and laugh while the prick yodels and pleads to ole Marvin Kanada for mercy, then twist a heroin addict chicks pony tail until she says uncle, crack open pecans while getting to the punch line with his brother Jimmy Kanada, turn over a water tank with all of his partners help, cross the county line, bust fire works in the parking lot of a movie theater, fight and street box a mime into utter submission, then make him yell for mercy, make his wife lick the swamp moss and sweat from in between his toes before the divorce, sip yak, make his best gray hound attack, trim 199 acres of land with a weed whacker, fill 3 water beds with beer, tear down a town house with an ax while his truck stereo plays the sweet sounds of the Almighty Al Green, curse, smell musty like wine and cigarettes, look mean, speak to the sky with passions, catch a crooked politician in a lie, make him apologize and kiss his wild dogs in the mouth, mess with the mayor of Alabama’s wife, write a derogatory letter to a store clerk, go to hooters and spit over the counter, , , chop the head off of a giraffes neck to hang up on his bedroom wall, go to ACC and fuss at the dean, fry 66 sword fish in one day, all before laying his head down to sleep before the next days construction work in a desert field of ground rats and tumble weed full of poisoned snakes with 33 of his meanest gray hounds with syphilis!


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