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Thursday, March 31, 2005



Great list! I am a former FL teacher (12 years in the HS classroom), and I enjoy your blog. I now work in technology. Check out my blog sometime. http://srahn.typepad.com


I never thought learning English should be easy even though so many seem to learn it. People that chastise foreigners for the way they talk make me mad. Most Americans can only speak English and most foreigners can speak their language plus English. Gee, who's smarter? I have a hard time learning languages. I don't see why everyday items should have to be male or female and why the nouns and verbs are reversed. I guess that would make English the complete opposite of every other language? Hmmm.


LOL. Great blog.

Lerned Hand

If you live in NY, it's because 90% of your teachers from kindergarden through 12th grade don't speak proper english or use proper grammer, and brcause all your friends think it's cool to be ghetto and speak in some sort of gangster rap-ebonics-slang. The informality and shorthand of email and instant messaging no doubt doesn't help things. And parents. . .

Average teacher: "youz guys don't know nothing."
Average student: "Yo what up dog?"
average email: "lol, thats gr8, c u soon, waiting 4fr"


You spelled 'grammar' wrong...

lerned hand

I spelled Learned wrong too, but then, I'm from New York. . .


Let's not forget you also spelled "because" wrong. Must be the informality of this blog ;)

Love the list!


This is fun, but then, if you looked at it, and tried to teach this at your ELL class, they'd never get this 'till they know what's the difference in their meaning.
Tear and tear have the same pronounciation,
pair and pear have the same pronounciation but differenciates in spelling and meaning.

Steven F.

I remember once when inside some book about why english is so hard, and there was around 75 pages full of words saying why english is so hard. Also, i saw this same thing and a few paragraphs on funkypages.com/english_hard.


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Learning English

We have brazilians students in Florida to learn english, and I can confirm that they have hard time with some similar words in English. For exemple, how do can we pronounce Live (live tv) and Live (survive). heheheh
Take care every one!

Learning English in South Florida

We have brazilians students in Florida to learn english, and I can confirm that they have hard time with some similar words in English. For exemple, how do can we pronounce Live (live tv) and Live (survive). heheheh
Take care every one!

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